Gene Quintana Fine Arts


A Rare Opportunity to Own a Historic Datsolalee Basket

Over 50 Extraordinary baskets from the Emporium Company, 1900-1921. For Sale - individually or in groups. Amy Cohn's outstanding personal collection by Louisa Keyser (Datsolalee).

Datsolalee masterpieces were sought by early 20th century wealthy and cultured Americans. Even during her lifetime, Datsolalee's baskets sold for thousands of dollars, a large sum for the early 1900's. Today, Datsolalee baskets are found in private collections, museums, academic and cultural institutions throughout the country, including the Smithsonian.

These extaordinary baskets are the largest single collection remaining together. Now, for the first time, Datsolalee baskets from Amy Cohn's personal collection can be purchased individually or in groups.

Showing 1 to 24 of 55 Items
An extremely fine Datso-La-Lee Degikup basket
Item#: LK59-3
The basket is called "Family Crest" and exemplifies Datso-La-Lee's artistic innovation. The use of alternating red and black motifs arranged in vertical columns is a composition she used on some of her most celebrated masterpieces. At twenty-nine stitches per inch, this masterpiece ranks among the finest examples of her weaving, large or small. Date completed: May 1, 1916 Number 59/3 Diameter: 4in Height: 2 3/4in Stitches per inch: 29
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK26-2 - SOLD
Completed: October, 1900 SPI: 25 Diameter: 2 1/4in Height: 1 5/8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Basket cup or bowl
Item#: LK43-1 - SOLD
described in Amy Cohn's ledger as a "soft day-gee-coop". Includes a string of alternating "bottle glass" green transparent and white glass seed beads attached to the rim as a strap. Completed: September, 1906 Diameter: 2 3/4in Height: 2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Baby cradle, Bicose
Item#: LK43-2
includes a commercial doll wrapped in cotton fabric. Completed: September, 1906 Diameter: 6in Length: 11 3/4in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK44-1
Completed: October, 1907 SPI: 20 Diameter: 4 1/4in Height: 2 5/8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Item#: LK44-4 - SOLD
twined glassware. Completed: December, 1906 Diameter: 2 3/4in Height: 3 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Seed beater, sing-am-mol-dol
Item#: LK46-1 - SOLD
Completed: December, 1907 Diameter: 5 1/4in Length: 5 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK46-5 - SOLD
Includes a strap of glass seed beads attached to the basket. Completed: August, 1908 SPI: 22 Diameter: 3 1/2in Height: 2 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK46-6
Completed: September, 1908 SPI: 27 Diameter: 5in Height: 3 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Two Collecting Baskets (medicine bottles)
Item#: LK46-7_46-8 - SOLD
LK46-7 Completed: October, 1908 - SOLD Diameter: 3 3/8in Height: 5 1/2in LK46-8 Completed: December, 1908 Diameter: 6in Height: 9in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Winnowing and Sifting Tray, Moldol
Item#: LK46-14- SOLD
Completed: 1908 Diameter: 5 1/4in Length: 6in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Drinking cup for women
Item#: LK48-1 - SOLD
Drinking cups often mirrored the form of the Washoe cooking basket. Completed: October, 1909 SPI: 25 Diameter: 5in Height: 3in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Bowl, Sing-am
Item#: LK48-4 - SOLD
Completed: February, 1909 Diameter: 4 1/4in Height: 2 5/8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Item#: LK48-5 - SOLD
Completed: December, 1909 Diameter: 4 1/2in Height: 6 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK48-6 - SOLD
Completed: March, 1909 Diameter: 3 1/2in Height: 2 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Seed Beater, Dapoli ma-ming
Item#: LK48-13 - SOLD
Completed: July, 1909 Diameter: 6 1/2in Length: 10 5/8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Three Rod Washoe Degikup with Lid by Louisa Keyser
Item#: LK95 - SOLD
made from willow ground, bracken fern with designs in redbud. (read more) Diameter: 10in Height: 8in
Indian Baskets - Washoe|Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Fish Trap
Item#: LK48-14
Completed: July, 1909 Diameter: 6 1/2in Length: 14 1/4in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Degikup Basket
Item#: LK48-16- SOLD
Completed: May, 1909 SPI: 32 Diameter: 1 1/2in Height: 1 1/4in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Seed Beater and Burden Basket
Item#: LK49-2_49-3 - SOLD
Burden Basket Completed: December, 1909 Diameter: 6 5/8in Length: 7in Seed Beater Completed: December, 1909 Diameter: 4in Length: 7 1/8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Winnowing and Sifting Tray, Moldol
Item#: LK49-4 - SOLD
Completed: January, 1910 Diameter: 5 3/4in Length: 6in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Seed Beater, Sing-am-mol-dol
Item#: LK49-5 - SOLD
Completed: January, 1910 Diameter: 5in Length: 8in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Two Degikup Baskets
Item#: LK50-2 - SOLD_50-3
Degikup (left) Completed: December, 1910 SPI: 30 Diameter: 1 1/4in Height: 7/8in Degikup (right) - SOLD Completed: December, 1910 SPI: 27 Diameter: 3/4in Height: 1/2in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Cradle Basket, Bicose
Item#: LK50-4 - SOLD
Completed: 1910 Diameter: 7 1/2in Length: 17 1/4in
Indian Baskets - Datsolalee
Showing 1 to 24 of 55 Items